Reviews of Easy Digging's Tools has over 2000 reviews, and an overall Rating of 4.8 out of 5.0

Customer Reviews
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The system used to collect these ratings and reviews is called Shopper Approved, and it has been an official Google Review Partner since 2013. Shopper Approved is an online ratings and review platform that strategically collects and then displays verified customer ratings and reviews online.

Over 2000 Reviews - Divided into categories

Since there is no easy way to look through 2000 reviews, we have divided them for you into categories. Just follow the links below...

Garden Hoe reviews
Reviews for all our garden hoes, divided up by tool name and review year.

Broadfork reviews
Reviews for our broadforks, divided up by the year of the review.

Wheel Hoe reviews
Reviews for our Hoss and Euro wheel hoes, divided up by the year of the review.

Hoss Seeder reviews
Reviews of the Hoss push seeder.

Jab Planter reviews
Reviews of our Jab Planter.

Garden Spade reviews
Reviews of our short and long handled Garden Spades.

Garden Fork reviews
Reviews of our short and long handled Garden Forks.

Scoop and Digging Shovel reviews
Reviews of all our short and long handled scoop shovels and digging shovels.

Long-handled Pick and Mattock reviews
Reviews of our 45" long handled Pick Mattock and Cutter Mattock.

Our Trenching Tool reviews
Includes the Sharpshooter shovel, our Trenching shovels, and the Bottom Digger clean-out tool.