Meadow Creature Broadfork

4.5 star rating   4.8 / 5.0   ( 216 reviews )

Unbreakable model with a Satisfaction Guarantee. Turn and aerate even the toughest soil without heavy lifting.

Unbreakable broadfork made by Meadow Creature


Standard: $ 273

12" tines, 46" handles, 19" wide, 15 lbs

Tall: $ 294

14" tines, 50" handles, 20" wide, 22 lbs

In stock. Estimated delivery: 4-5 business days.

Free shipping within continental US.

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Which model should I buy?

4.5 star rating

"Makes back breaking work simple. Worth every penny, and eco-friendly"


  Literally unbreakable

Made of unbreakable steel alloy with no mechanical connections to ever come loose. You’ll never have to buy another broadfork again or get frustrated about its parts breaking off.

  Turn and aerate soil without heavy lifting

Lets you tear through the toughest sods and soils, then turn and sift them with minimum effort. Perfect for deep-aeration of garden beds.

  Full warranty

The manufacturer provides a full warranty of this tool. If you damage this broadfork while using it as intended, they will either replace it or refund you its purchase price.

US flag    Made in the USA

Click for the How to use a Broadfork article.

Customer Reviews of the Broadfork

5 star rating

"I am so happy I purchased this broad fork. I broke sod for a garden, aerated a soggy part of my property. This thing is built to last. I saw David the Good use it, then watched other videos. Decided I had to get it. Thank you."

5 star rating

"I have hard clay, and have never used a broadfork before, but let me tell you, it made short work of that compacted earth. I tilled a 5' x 50' bed using the broadfork, going first in one direction, then perpendicular. It really broke up the earth and allowed me to amend the soil with compost. I went through a third time after the compost was added on top and it really mixed everything in thoroughly."

4.5 star rating

"We recently purchased a hillside home with rocky, heavy clay soil that has never been worked. After research, I chose the standard Meadow Creature Broadfork. It is one of the best purchases I've ever made and well-worth the money. I am a female in my mid-sixties and was amazed at how easy it was to break up and aerate a large area. My soil is so hard that I could only drive the broadfork in a few inches by standing, bouncing and rocking, but I was able to break up the soil quickly and easily by stepping back off the broadfork and using my arms to rock the handles back and forth. With every rocking movement, which was easy to do, the tines would sink deeper into the ground. No pain or soreness even after working a 400 sq. ft. area. I highly recommend!

5 star rating

"From all of the research I've done over the course of a month previous to purchasing this company's broadfork, I have to say that this company's product is without a doubt the best one on the market. It's durable, well made and well designed. If you're looking for a tool to manually loosen the soil in your garden then this is the one. And best of all it's made in the USA. Thanks for making such great well-made products."

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How to decide which model to buy

Size comparison of Meadow Creature broadforks

Choose between the Standard and Tall broadfork models based on your height.

If you are less than 5' 8" tall, we recommend using the Standard model. Otherwise, use the Tall model, which is also best suited for softer soil that can handle deeper aeration. You can successfully use either one, but the recommended size will be easier on your muscles.

For commercial growers who have to maintain large areas of existing garden beds, we recommend using the Standard model, because it’s 30% lighter and easier to carry around and use for longer periods.

See the table below for the dimensions of each model, and the weight difference.

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Dimensions and Weights

Weight Tine
Standard 59" 15 lb 12" 46"
Tall 65" 22 lb 14" 50"

Grab this unbreakable broadfork today

Unbreakable broadfork made by Meadow Creature

The light, cheap broadforks are doomed to bend and break whenever they encounter roots, rocks and tough soil. Get this unbreakable broadfork and enjoy working in your garden without worrying that it’s ever going to break.

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