How To Use a Broadfork
Author: Greg Baka
The original and primary purpose of a broadfork is to loosen and aerate the soil deeper than regular garden forks and tillers can reach.
Only with the creation of our unbreakable broadfork did this tool's usage expand to turning sod and breaking compacted soils.
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Instructions for Aerating the Soil:
When using a broadfork, or U-bar digger, to aerate your garden soil it is only necessary to loosen it enough to temporarily create air passages down into the soil. You do not need to turn the soil over, or to sweep the tines completely up through the soil.
- Push the tines into the soil. Even part way is OK.
- Tilt the handles partly back towards you, about 45 degrees.
- Halt. Keep the handles in this position.
- Slide the tines out by stepping backwards and dragging them out.
- Pull the broadfork backwards about 8", then repeat from Step 1
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Note that with this method you do not have to lift the heavy tool. Just drag it out of the soil, then backwards along the soil surface about 8 inches. This makes aerating fast, efficient, and safer on your back muscles. For a great example, see the short video above from JM Fortier of "The Market Gardener" fame. It shows good technique for deeply aerating soil immediately after roto-tilling.
Instructions for Turning Sod:*
*only with our Unbreakable Broadfork - this would bend other brands
The Meadow Creature broadfork tool can turn sod into growing space by "plowing". This involves ripping loose a chunk of sod and turning it upside down to kill the grass.
- Sink the tines deep into the soil.
- Step slightly back and begin pulling the handles towards you.
- Step farther back and press the handles all the way to the ground.
- Hold the handle down with your foot. Lift and flip the section of sod with your hands.
- Drag the tool out from under the flipped sod.
- Repeat from Step 1 with the tines about 10" farther back.
These pictures are from a best broadfork comparison done by Jesse of Rough Draft Farm who operates a CSA in Versailles and Danville KY